Vancouver Ocean Sports is a not-for-profit society started for the sole purpose of providing an inclusive paddling venue for people with all levels of ability and skill. VOS is now over a decade old and one of the fastest growing clubs in BC. We are a club for the community offering kayak, and SUP memberships along with beginner, recreational and competitive paddling courses for outrigger canoe racing.

In Hawaiian Ohana means family. When you join VOS you become part of our family, where we improve together and no one gets left behind. 

You don't have to give up all your other life commitments to enjoy paddling.
Paddle when you want to and choose how hard you want to go.


A`ohe hana nui ka alu’ia
No task is too big when done together

Vancouver Ocean Sports has an experienced team of coaches and directors whose aim is to make sure you get the most out of your membership.

We work hard to create a team environment that is inclusive and united, while providing the opportunity to excel in sport and life.

+ Directors

2025 President


VP; Boat Storage Membership

Communications; Coaching Liason

Social Media; Boat Maintenance



+ Coaches


Club Coach / Race Development


Steering / Small Boats / Rigging Courses


The Hugh Town Spirit Award is an annual award named after one of our founding members, Hugh Town, who passed away in early 2016.  Hugh was a long-time paddler, a fundraiser, a coach and a friend to the sport – always willing to lend his support, excellence and expertise – the epitome of “aloha.”

This annual award acknowledges individuals who go above and beyond to give back to the VOS Ohana (family), demonstrating exemplary values and personal characteristics in their contribution, outstanding levels of sportsmanship, a willingness to learn and grow, a positive attitude and enthusiastic approach to improve as a paddler, to be an ambassador of the sport, and who exemplify the inclusive Ohana Spirit of the club.

The award comes with the requirement to caretake a beautiful traditional Hawaiian steering blade (hoe nanue) that was commissioned by Hugh’s wife, Florida.  It was made in Maui by a traditional paddle maker, and it incorporates a piece of a decommissioned koa canoe – koa being traditional Hawaiian wood.

Florida has provided the following history on this beautiful trophy: 

Fafa was a well known canoe builder, from Tahiti. He moved to Maui, just about the time the Kihei club was starting. He wandered down the beach one day, looked at their boats, and asked them why they weren't building their own. The answer, of course, was that they didn't know how. So he began the process with them - going into the forest, finding an appropriate log, and carving it out. That boat was the pride of the Kihei club - but, as happens, age overtook it, and it was no longer seaworthy. It was beached and disintegrated over time. But Dan Holland, a friend of mine in the Kihei club and a paddle maker, salvaged a plank from Fafa's boat, and incorporates a sliver of it in each of the paddles he builds. You can see it on the shaft of this paddle. 

The nose, or 'beak' on the blade is traditional. In the olden days, paddles could be used as weapons, or, with the reinforced beak, could be used to break down coral so boats could travel in and out of lagoons. This lovely paddle was made with all-Hawaiian woods.

The VOS Board has been pleased to award the Hugh Town Ohana Spirit Award to: 

2023 Carmen Greene

2022 Jason Creber

2020 Chris Therien

2019 Lang Evans

2018 The Johnson Family: Gord, Kelly, Kailyn, Nathan

2017 Loic Savoiz

2016 Dmitriy Soloviov


Equipment + Programs


Being a VOS Member means having full access to an amazing variety of paddling programs and equipment.
We currently offer programs at beginner, intermediate and competitive levels for OC (1, 2, 6), Kayak (Solo, Tandem), and SUP.  

Outrigger Canoe

• Full access to OC fleet (OC 1, 2, 6)
• Full access to introductory and competitive training programs
• Opportunity to join weekly practice sessions

+ OC6 Program

Our OC6 Program provides an inclusive paddling venue for people with all levels of skill and ability: beginner, recreational and competitive. Previous paddling experience is an asset, but not a necessity. Sign Up!

+ Race Development

For the competitive paddler and those members with at least one year paddling experience, looking to improve their skills, VOS offers a Race Development Program which includes both on and off the water training programs. Sign Up!

+ Introduction to Outrigging

The Introduction to Outrigging program consists of two training sessions held on 2 consecutive Sundays, plus participation in 2 full team practices, and a free entry to the Chasedown Race. This program requires a minimum of four, preferably five participants to run, and may be cancelled without sufficient registrants.

However, if you are already familiar with paddling (i.e. dragon boats, kayaking, etc.) and don’t require an introduction, or if you are keen to try outrigging and can't join the intro program, you are welcome to come out and join our regular practices. An experienced paddler will be available to mentor and assist you in settling in with the club and the practices. There will be no charge for the first two practices. If at the end of the trial period you wish to continue paddling with the Club, you will be required to choose the membership that best suits your needs and submit the appropriate payment along with the completed membership and waiver forms. When an intro course schedule has been established, you can also participate in a formal Intro program to improve what you’ve learned. Email for more information.

+ Practices

During the COVID-19 pandemic, group OC6 practices are temporarily suspended.

Normally, VOS OC6 practices are scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30 pm (on water) and Saturdays at 9:00 am (on water). Participants should plan on arriving at the compound a minimum of 20 minutes prior to the time noted. Race Development practices are flagged on the schedule, and are open to all OC paddlers with a minimum of one season paddling experience, and are coached three times a month.

+ Small Boats (OC1, OC2)

Although the Club does not have a specific small boat program, they are often used during scheduled practice sessions. The VOS fleet of small boats is also available for use ONLY by Annual members outside of practice times, on a first come, first served basis. Participation in a small boat orientation session is mandatory prior to using any of the Club’s small boats. Seasonal members (summer/winter) may only use the small boats during scheduled practices, as directed by a coach.

*Please note that experience with paddling in local waters and self-rescue must be each member's responsibility.
Information regarding safe usage of equipment, reporting damage, emergency procedures and club rules can be found in the Membership Package


• Self-run program*; Full access to Kayak fleet at members' own convenience
• Please note Kayaks must be paddled out from our compound at Burrard Marina

+ Guest Usage

If you wish to bring a guest paddler kayaking, there is a $15 fee and your guest must complete day membership and waiver forms for insurance purposes. Waivers and fees must be completed in advance.

Email waivers to:

Remit payment vie e-transfer to:

*Please note that experience with paddling in local waters and self-rescue must be each member's responsibility as this program does not provide any coaching or supervision. The equipment is accessed on a first come, first served basis and can be reserved up to 2 weeks in advance. 

Stand Up Paddle

• Self-run program*
• Full access to SUP fleet at members' own convenience

• Please note SUPs must be paddled out from our compound at Burrard Marina

+ Guest Usage

If you wish to bring a guest paddler for stand up paddle boarding, there is a $15 fee and your guest must complete day membership and waiver forms for insurance purposes. These forms are located in the paddler’s cabin in a binder labeled “Forms”. The completed forms can be placed in the envelope at the front of the binder, and payment remitted to via e-transfer.

*Please note that experience with paddling in local waters and self-rescue must be each member's responsibility as this program does not provide any coaching or supervision. The equipment is accessed on a first come, first served basis and can be reserved up to 2 weeks in advance. 


Vancouver Ocean Sports is located in downtown Vancouver, adjacent to the Burrard Civic Marina just below the southwest end of Burrard Street Bridge. From this vantage point we can paddle in the protected waters of False Creek or choose the more challenging waters of the Burrard Inlet.

The VOS compound is the closest compound to the water, across from Vanier Park, near the Kitsilano Coast Guard Station.

Small-boat dock-launch, paved trailer-launch ramps, and beach-launch options are available for boats of all sizes.

Compound amenities include secure gear-storage sheds, a change shed, and boat washing stations.


Join The VOS Team!

The Ohana Spirit is alive at VOS, with active participation from members and volunteerism.

Please be well. Be kind. Treat one another like the Ohana family that we are.

~ Vancouver Ocean Sports Board of Directors

Join the VOS team by becoming a member, or storing your boat at our compound. 


PADDLING Memberships

Join us as either an ‘Outrigger Paddler’ or a ‘Kayak/SUP’ Paddler’ for the length of time that suits you best (Annual, Summer, or Winter).

OC6 crews meet 3 a week for scheduled practices:

Saturday 9:00am - 11:00am

Tuesday 6:30pm - 8:00pm

Thursday 6:30pm - 8:00pm

The Kayak/SUP Program is self-run; use the equipment at your leisure.

+ 2025 OC Annual Membership

April 1 - March 31 | $385

+ 2025 OC Summer Membership

April 1 - September 30 | $310

+ 2025 OC Winter Membership

October 1 - March 31 | $180

+ 2025 OC Associate Membership

April 1 - March 31 | $185

This program is designed for those members who have paddling experience but due to personal commitments, circumstances and/or involvement in other clubs, sports and/or activities, want to participate in the VOS Outrigger program on a casual, temporary, or drop in level basis.

+ 2025 Intro to OC1 Course | Dates TBD


The Introduction to OC1 program consists of on-water safety training and orientation plus on-water instruction in solo outrigger canoes (OC1s). This program requires a minimum of three participants to run, and may be cancelled without sufficient registrants. Maximum participants six. To inquire about 2025 courses email:

+ 2025 Kayak/SUP Annual Membership

April 1 - March 31 | $250

+ 2025 Kayak/SUP Summer Membership

April 1 - September 30 | $190

+ 2025 Kayak/SUP Winter Membership

October 1 - March 31 | $150



VOS has a five-tier financial sponsorship program.

We offer promotional opportunities at each level as a way of saying thanks and to let other people know how fantastic our sponsors are!

+ Financial Assistance

  1. Community Sponsorship: $1000 or less

  2. Bronze Sponsorship: $1001 to $2500

  3. Silver Sponsorship: $2501 to $5000; or the cost of an OC1 or OC2 with customized corporate logos for 3 years

  4. Gold Sponsorship: $5001 to $8000, or the cost of an OC4 with customized corporate logos for 3 years

  5. Platinum: $8000+ or the purchase of an OC6 or dragon boat. (Sponsor can customize the colour and logo for maximum advertising, 3 year duration)

+ Advertisement Opportunities

  1. Website sponsor page (all levels)

  2. Jersey sponsor (bronze: 2-3inch logo; silver 4-5inch logo; gold/platinum: 6-8inch logo)

  3. Signage (Logo banners displayed at Burrard Marina and public events/races; logo size according to donation; company can provide banners for display)

  4. Boat logos: (Corporate logos on hull of OC6 according to donation: bronze = small, silver = med, gold = large, platinum donations can customize the entire boat)

  5. Equipment labeling (any equipment purchased as the result of a donation will display your corporate logo for 3 years e.g. boat trailer, coach boat, life jackets, paddles, etc.)

  6. Media acknowledgement (in the last 9 months we have been on TV three times and have opportunities for further exposure with the growth of our community and adaptive programs)


Boat Storage

The VOS compound has space for members to store personal small boats and Stand-Up Paddle boards. The cost of storage is based on the type and size of boat. 

Please contact club before making payment at 

+ 2025 VOS Annual OC Members


+ 2025 Small Space

OC1, OC2, Surf Ski | $330

+ 2025 Large Space

Kayak / Large OC | $430

+ 2025 XL Space

Canoe / Kayak + 24" Beam | $500

+ 2025 Stand-Up Paddle Board


+ Payment

E-tranfer payment to



Having the right gear is important!

When paddling, wear clothing appropriate to the weather conditions. In warmer temperatures this includes a light long sleeve shirt, cap & sunglasses to protect from water glare. Dress appropriately for colder temperatures, and always have a set of dry clothes to change into. Hypothermia can occur from wind or rain, in any temperature.

Personal Flotation Devices (PFD) are mandatory at all times for non-swimmers, and must be worn in cold temperatures.

cold water

The risk of hypothermia from cold water is our number one risk. Water temperatures in our area range from 6C in the winter to a high of 22C in August, and drowning and hypothermia from cold water immersion can occur much faster than expected by most paddlers.

Due to the seriousness of immersion in the low water temps it is MANDATORY that all paddlers wear an approved PFD in cold temperatures and have it zipped up. Non-swimmers must wear a PFD at all times. Be prepared by reviewing these resources:

local waters

All members are expected to be familiar with local waters and navigation.

Although the general rules of the water give right-of-way to smaller vessels, an exception in our waters are the False Creek ferries who are commercial vessels and have complete right-of-way over us. Keep an eye and an ear out for them as they are quick and quiet.

Also keep watch for the large yachts in our shared waters as the sight line of the skipper puts a small boat in their ‘blind zone, and they simply can’t see us.

In English Bay, note that sailing regattas are usually held on Wednesday nights and weekends. Give them space as it is poor etiquette to paddle close to a race course and it can be distracting and unsafe for everyone. The skipper of a sailboat cannot see you through their sail; change your course and stay away.

Stay safely away from international shipping vessels anchored in English Bay; minimum 300 metres away.

Port of Vancouver Information Guide


All paddlers must practice self-recovery, regardless of which type of boat they paddle. In the event of an accidental huli (capsize) it is critical that paddlers right and re-enter the boat as soon as possible, the water temperature in English Bay and False Creek are well below safe levels for prolonged immersion.

For OC6 paddlers, each team member should be familiar with the role of each individual seat, and have an understanding of how each crew will handle a huli recovery as a group. We will schedule a mandatory huli practice on a warm day in the summer but reviewing the attached link will help you understand the roles of each paddler. In a race situation time is of the essence and the goal is for all paddlers to be back in the boat and moving forward within 3 minutes.


Wind creates waves, which are a lot of fun if it’s warm and paddlers are trained at riding them but potentially dangerous otherwise.

A big west wind and an ebbing tide (water moving out) creates a wind over water (current) situation that can be very challenging for novice paddlers; 2 large waves can easily swamp a small craft.

Check the wind on a wind app before going out for the predicted changes in the wind. Once in English Bay, keep an eye on the west horizon; a dark line indicates wind coming and the darker and bigger the line, the bigger the wind. Paddling in False Creek is usually the best idea when the wind is over 20km/hour.


Tides change every 6 hours with 2 low tides and 2 high tides every day. Vancouver waters can experience a change of up to 12 feet in a 6 hour period when changing from a ‘low low’ and a ‘high high’.

Know which way the tides are moving before you go! At slack tide (change) there is very little water moving. The fastest flow is half way between tide changes, and the water (current) is moving fastest away from shore. The biggest change is between a ‘low low’ and a ‘high high’. An outgoing (flowing) high tide which is moving west and a strong east wind will make for a very tough paddle back to the compound!

Be aware that low tides expose rocks that are completely hidden at high tide, and some areas are not possible to paddle through at low tides without scraping bottom (for example, the Siwash Rock gap).

An easy way to check the tide is by using the free app called Tides, which also gives wind and temperature info.

Know before you go - and get used to reading tide charts.


The Canadian Outrigger Racing Association (CORA) has many great resources! Refer to their safety manual for additional information.